Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Onwards & Upwards in 2012

We are looking forward to a great year getting to know you, our followers, and the cool, funky little fellas you spend your time with.

What's happening for you this year?

My little man, Louie (pictured), is turning one in a few short weeks. It is so hard to believe. I am so unprepared that I am not ready at all to throw him a party on his birthday.....the poor little thing has to wait 6 weeks after his actual birthday for his party!!! Ooops. I'm sure he'll forgive me. Actually hoping he'll grow some hair before the party arrives...LOL!!!

Who else has a big 1st birthday coming up? Are you throwing a big party? Let us know what you're going to do. I could actually use some ideas!!

Happy January everyone....enjoy your summer x